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Doing DPI Scaling server side RDP Windows Server 2016

I agree that the problem can be fixed under Win 2016, but I had to do 2 things in parallel:

Goto „HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\LogPixels“ => if LogPixels does not exist then create a new DWORD-value => Type in Decimal Value: 96 for Smaller 100% 120 for Medium 125% 144 for Larger 150% Then Goto „HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\IgnoreClientDesktopScaleFactor“ => if IgnoreClientDesktopScaleFactor does not exist then create a new DWORD-value => Type in Decimal Value: Turn on 1 (Turn off 0)

The W2012 hotfix seems to work with w2016 now

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\IgnoreClientDesktopScaleFactor to 1

Manually set the IgnoreClientDesktopScaleFactor key value as stated above in the registry on each RDP/RDS Session Server.

I created a batch file and put it in the \users\public\desktop folder. Some users required switching back and forth because some of them have surface tablets where they could see almost nothing because it was so tiny. But then came back to the office on their thin clients and it was terrible. This was easier.


@echo off

color 0e


echo Choose a desired scale from the list.


echo Enter 96 for 100%%

echo Enter 120 for 125%%

echo Enter 144 for 150%%

echo Enter 192 for 200%% (Good for 4K monitors)

echo Enter 288 for 300%% (Good for Surface Tablets where someone normally needs 150%%)

echo Enter 384 for 400%% (Cannot think of any ideal use for this.)


set /p scale=Set the number from the table above for the desired zoom scale:

reg add "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop" /v LogPixels /t REG_DWORD /d %scale% /f


echo You must log off in order for the settings to apply. Close all programs and pause


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